Power Dialer for GoldMine is the scalable, cost-effective alternative to a predictive dialer. And if it’s an entirely new caller or new number, Tapi Link can create and capture that information into an existing or brand new contact record. If you have the callers number listed in GoldMine, Tapi Link will present their information automatically. For incoming calls it searches ALL telephone numbers including those of all Additional Contacts. Tapi Link for GoldMine enables users to automatically make outbound calls directly from within GoldMine.įor inbound calls, it will automatically present the caller’s contact details as the phone rings (screen-popping). Ĭall us for more information at (800) 955-5040 or visit
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Managers can coach live or offline using Remote Coach.Record, Listen and Grade your calls at any time.Complete visibility and control of the dialing process.

Reach your best Leads first using Adaptilytics.Users can upload their contacts from one or more GoldMine filters to dial.

Dramatically improves call pickup rates with local caller id.Bi-directional integration with GoldMine.Our Intelligent Sales Acceleration platform gives sales, lead generation, and marketing teams powerful tools to identify the right prospects, obtain accurate contact data, and enable accelerated communication using our sales connectivity optimization and lead nurturing solutions. Increase sales productivity with ConnectLeader Sales Acceleration Platform for GoldMine CRM users. Sales acceleration technologies for all types of sales roles to boost revenue by increasing productivity from 10% to 800%