MLV #1 is even thinner, at 1/8 inch thick. For example, Mass Loaded Vinyl #2 is only ¼ inch thick. MLV sound barriers offer exceptional noise reduction by adding mass with minimal thickness.

Premier soundproofing systems combine absorption, damping, isolation and mass to achieve the best sound proofing results. You can sandwich Mass Loaded Vinyl soundproofing between drywall layers or other building materials to create noise reducing ceilings, floors and wall soundproofing for homes, commercial buildings and industrial facilities. How Is Vinyl Soundproofing Material Used? As a DIY soundproofing material, MLV is one of the best you’ll find at Soundproof Cow. It’s a cost effective solution to a wide variety of sound issues. Vinyl MLV barriers block out every day noises, from traffic and street construction sounds to noises emitted by trains, buses and even aircraft. Once sound caulking is applied, seams are sealed with tape to ensure optimal soundproofing performance. MLV is typically attached to joists or studs, followed by covering seams and joints with acoustic caulking or barrier tape.

Mass Loaded Vinyl not only offers astounding sound reducing abilities, but is also safe to use and easy to apply. The Introduction of mass loaded vinyl as an effective sound control option was a blessing for architects and engineers.