Quickcast or normal cast lol
Quickcast or normal cast lol

I use Safeguard as a reactionary ability.

quickcast or normal cast lol

Healing Beam is also a uniquely “forgiving” ability for if you accidentally select a minion or an isometrically-fatter ally by accident, so it’s nice to be able to rapidly switch targets without that 2-step process. Healing Beam is very much a “set-it-'n-forget-it” type of situation for me it helps to be able to gracefully swoop my cursor over another ally who’s suddenly getting focused in between stutter-stepping. In my experience, I have other things to think about in the middle of a fight than worrying about the 2-step process of selecting your healing target without quick cast. It just depends entirely on how I use the ability. I meticulously pick whether or not to use quick cast for each individual ability. I also tried to keep everything on On Release, but that was also clunky sometimes, so I just use it for abilities that actually need it. Due to the fact I tend do aim at a hero’s body instead of at their base circle. I also use on release on Genji’s E, because I more often miss with it when it’s a simple QC. I also use on release for Hanzo’s Split Arrow, as I need to know where the split offs will go, and I don’t care as much about the original projectile. Same goes for Murky’s Fish and Gazelowe’s Bomb. However I don’t use QC for Azmodan’s Globe, because I try to hit as many minions as possible with it, and sometimes it’s hard to tell what will it hit without the indicator. With QC it’s a hit or miss, but most of the time it’s hit. Since Tracer is moving all the time, the targeting of the Bomb was also changing the longer I was aiming it. With QC my Tracer experience became about 4 times more enjoyable, I started being able to cast Blink multiple times in a quick succession, instead of with small delays between casts, and I can cast Pulse Bomb in a much more intuitive way than before. While you get visual indicator when not using QC, it also delays your abilities. And I must say that my experience with the game changed completely. I came to HotS from DotA (1), and I wasn’t using QC. Please use the following format to contribute to such a page if it’s ever made. It would be helpful to have a WikiPage with a general consensus for each Hero regarding which type of QuickCast to use for each of their abilities.

quickcast or normal cast lol

Quickcast or normal cast lol full#

If you use On-Release or Full QuickCast, what abilities do you turn it off for on your hero, and if not is the reason “I didn’t know it existed.”, or “I don’t like change.”, or “Its too late to change now.”, or “I don’t think it will help me get better.”? What are your experiences with QuickCasting? Granted, QuickCast is not a hack to become a GrandMaster overnight, but I’m wondering if it really can improve performance across all skill levels. I’ve turned QuickCast on for Genji after playing him quite a bit and it feels awful on everything except DragonBlade. With On-Release you still get the range indicators and the color change but it feels unnatural to release a key to confirm your action rather than pressing down a mouse button.

quickcast or normal cast lol

I imagine the majority of players do not use QuickCast, and most pros argue for using On-Release or full QuickCast but I’d like to make the case that playing without QuickCast is better, not only because you get the permanent range indicator, but the range indicator also changes colors from yellow to green letting you know that you’re in range and that you’ll get guaranteed damage. Single Shorter Range Projecticle SkillShotsĮx: Jaina’s Frostbolt, Valeera’s Sinister StrikeĮx: Jaina’s Blizzard, Kael’Thas’s FlameStrikeĮx: Alarak’s Telekenesis, Triglav Protectors LaserĮx: Genji’s Deflect, Mephisto’s Lightning Nova Escapes and Dashes that can go over impenetrable terrain. Escapes and Dashes that do not go through impenetrable terrain.

Quickcast or normal cast lol